
Accurate and relevant information is key to your businesses success. Our accounting services enable you to monitor the performance of your business, discuss with us how to make tax savings before the end of the financial year and receive constructive advice on an ongoing basis.

Many business owners do not currently have the adequate time, resources or skills to handle their own accounting and audit requirements to comply with legal obligations or may just wish to invest their time in developing their business. Here at Doyle Foley & Co., we offer a full and comprehensive range of Bookkeeping services including:

  • Review your bookkeeping procedures
  • Advise and assist on setting up your accounting system
  • Handle all of your accounting needs by maintaining your books and records
  • Produce regular management accounts and help keep up to date
  • Assist with your VAT and PAYE/PRSI returns to the Revenue
  • Prepare your annual financial statements

All our company financial statements preparation work is in strict accordance with Financial Reporting Standards applicable in the UK and Republic of Ireland

To enquire further about our Bookkeeping services and of how we can best serve your business, please give us a call.